Spiced Apple Butter


We seem to collect jars. We can’t help it. We know we should just chuck it in a recycling bag and call it a day. But we just can’t let go of really sturdy jars. On a good week, the jars are all preoccupied. They hold our almond butters, our leftover sweet miso, our jams, our mini trifles, our hummus…and when they’re not preoccupied with storing our latest experiments they are falling out of our container cupboard, causing us to scream expletives. It would be really great if someone (not us) could com e round and organise our containers so that they aren’t falling out constantly. And so that we can find the right container whenever we need it.

Anyway, we’ve found a new occupant for a couple of our leftover jars – spiced apple butter. Apple butter or applesauce isn’t really an English thing. We do eat something similar with roast pork, but not the super smooth, baby food kind that you can eat out of the jar. Whenever we go over to the States, we always end up bring back individual portions of applesauce which are perfect for a quick snack on the go that isn’t Nutella. Or peanut butter (which is really high calorie). It’s also light on your stomach so if you’ve been sick lately like we have, you have something to eat that isn’t mashed potatoes!

Of course, we gave our own twist – chai spices and a mix of Bramley and Pink Lady apples! So it’s not too sweet, which means you could still eat it with something savoury (pork or latkes or on toast) if you wish.

Makes about 1 litre

4 Bramley apples, cubed
2 Pink Lady apples, cubed
1 1/4 cup water
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
6 drops cardamom essence
1/2 tsp fennel seeds
8 dates, deseeded and chopped

  1. In a large pan, add all of the ingredients.
  2. Bring to the boil, then reduce to the lowest heat and cover. Cook for 45 minutes until completely soft.
  3. Using a hand held blender, blend until smooth.
  4. Cool to one side, then pour into a jar/jars and store in the fridge.
  5. Enjoy!

So what do you think? Feel free to share your questions and comments below! We’d love to hear what you have to say.


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